by Man Boy Genius | Oct 23, 2013
Recently over on Forge The Narrative's Facebook's Page Paul Murphy posted up the question of how would you pick up a Sister of Battle? Obviously there were many opinions on the matter, and we're not done yet. We'll read the best one liners on Forge the Narrative...
by Man Boy Genius | Oct 23, 2013
Another Games Day has come and gone, and now we have a few more great previews for Forge World upcoming releases! Checkout the new Iron Hands, Night Lords, Death Guard, and Emperor's Children releases, as well as some Mechanicus and vehicle kits too! For mean I love...
by Man Boy Genius | Oct 23, 2013
Sometimes I get lost on the internets, after all it is a series of interconnected tubes and all. Most of the time I'm looking for that pictures that's "just" right and I stumble upon something even cooler that what I was looking for in the first place, like this...
by Man Boy Genius | Oct 22, 2013
Welcome to Picture of the Day, where we display a sweet pic of something amazing that we've seen around the tubes, or took at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you'll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images,...
by Man Boy Genius | Oct 22, 2013
Here at Spikey Bits, we keep trying to come up with more fun and, what we hope are, exciting ways for you to save on your gaming needs. Over the next few months or so we'll try to feature a new sale every week on some of the top names out there in gaming, just to...