Gundam Wing Tau Style- Conversion Corner

Gundam Wing Tau Style- Conversion Corner

Welcome to Conversion Corner, where we display great looking converted and Work In Progress (WIP) models from stuff we've done or amazing figures we've seen around. If you click on the Conversion Corner label you'll be able to scroll through some...
Stand & Deliver Blood Angels Banners- Army of One

Stand & Deliver Blood Angels Banners- Army of One

Welcome to a very special Army of One, where I display great looking painted models from reader submissions! Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics! If you click on the Army of...
Feast of Blades Wrap Up & Pajama Pants?

Feast of Blades Wrap Up & Pajama Pants?

I don't really have time this week to do a big review of Feast of Blades myself, but I happened to find a perfectly great article by Spikey Bits friend Alan "pajama pants" Bajramovic for you instead to checkout! Alan is a great tournament player, is a member of the...
Editorial- Did Finecast Go Missing?

Editorial- Did Finecast Go Missing?

Anyone else notice the lack of Finecast with the most recent Space Marines, and Dark Elf releases? It seems pretty unheard of for two releases to go by (three if you count part two of the Dark Elves for Nov), one of which was HUGE sales wise (Marines) and neither had...
Not the Greater Good You’re Looking For?

Not the Greater Good You’re Looking For?

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where we display a sweet pic of something amazing that we've seen around the tubes, or took at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you'll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images,...