Belail Master of the Deathwing- Army of One

Belail Master of the Deathwing- Army of One

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I've done or amazing figures I've seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you'll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we...
New Forge World Ripdite Battlesuit Rules & Pics

New Forge World Ripdite Battlesuit Rules & Pics

Checkout the latest offering on the XV107 R'Varna Battlesuit (aka the Tau Super Battle Droid). Oh how I love Forge World, and Tau. For me there is just something about mecha robots all running around shooting things, and FW always seems to do it right. Besides posting...
Before being Imperial Guard, They were Mercenaries?

Before being Imperial Guard, They were Mercenaries?

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... You always hear the question: "How did you get into the hobby?", and for me it was getting bored with...
40k Ordo Romance- Pic of the Day

40k Ordo Romance- Pic of the Day

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a sweet pic of something amazing that I've seen around the tubes, or took myself at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you'll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related...
LIVE Feast of Blades Video Stream

LIVE Feast of Blades Video Stream

Hey guys checkout 40k Nation's live game stream from Feast of Blades this weekend. Kenny and Paul are about to play here in a few minutes (9:00 PM EST, 7:00 CST), with commentary from MBG and Ender. Be sure to stop back by for all the 40k coverage all weekend long!...