WIP: The Fiddler Mech 5

It’s very exciting to have finally assembled the painted parts. It looks great and is really coming together now! After soliciting some advice from some mates who use similar techniques over on WargamerAU, I was introduced to Tamiya XF-86 Flat Clear. I...

WIP: The Fiddler Mech 4

Well last night I finished applying the oils. It took way longer than expected and I’m still getting used to working with the oils (slow drying time = be careful where you put your fingers!). The best thing about the oil paints is how they can be used in very...

WIP: The Fiddler Mech 3

I have been making progress on this but have struggled to find time to post about it! This update was completed during the week, but I’m only now posting these images. I’ve sprayed a few markings onto the Fiddler, inspired by those shown on Don’s...

WIP: The Fiddler Mech 2

Soldiering on! As you can see, painting is progressing. I was having an issue with the chipping fluid but I sorted it out: the Mig Productions Absolute Chipping product required you to also use the fluid to chip the paint (rather than just warm water as is used with...

WIP: The Fiddler Mech

I’ll start off with full disclosure: bringing this design to resin has been my pet project for the past year. The Fiddler is an awesome design created by the talented artist Alex Iglesias back in 2010 (original artwork). An equally talented 3D modeller named Don...