Centurion Update 32

Centurion Update 32

I apologise that there haven’t been any updates for a while. I had an epic trip around Europe in June (which I actually extended longer than originally planed) and most of July was spent catching up following that. I’ve been focusing on updating the...
Centurion Mecha 31

Centurion Mecha 31

We’re getting oh so close! Consider these pictures to be of the “pre-release” kit design. As of this week I have moulds to produce them in this format and I have begun casting a few copies for a select few mates before I head off on an European...
Centurion Update 30

Centurion Update 30

This time it’s an update on the close defence systems! As discussed on the RA Forum I decided that I wanted to bulk out the torso silhouette a bit by adding some close in defence weapons. The weapon of choice was a gatling cannon so I put a design together. The...
Centurion Update 29

Centurion Update 29

While other projects have diverted some of my attention over the past couple of weeks, I have not neglected the Centurion! I’ve recently been discussing detailing of the chest armour with one of my close design mentors, Xeones, and we came up with a cool design...
Completed Secret Project: Zeus Cruiser

Completed Secret Project: Zeus Cruiser

You read it correctly: not a Light Cruiser but a full blown, cruiser size, Zeus pattern ship design! This project began following prompting from friends that I need to round out the Zeus fleet with a distinctive cruiser model, different from just slapping a Zeus prow...