Games Workshop remains the price gouging champion 2014

[I was going to place a picture of the Citadel tool kit here, but Games Workshop would probably harass me for it so I decided not to] Once again Games Workshop has proven that it reigns supreme when it comes to gouging prices and has now taken things to a new level...

Gothicomp 2014 Has Started

Gothicomp, the annual Battlefleet Gothic painting competition is on again! I’m providing a pool of prizes for all of the categories so get busy people! I especially want to see some scratchbuilds and conversions. Check out the announcement on the Specialist Arms...
Centurion Update 28

Centurion Update 28

On the weekend I was Skyping with my mate Dan (Arkangel) and gave him a look at the Centurion. I pointed out that I was feeling unsure about how far out from the shoulder the cannons sit – when viewed front on it didn’t look quite right. Dan agreed with me...
Centurion Update 27

Centurion Update 27

I can’t believe how long it’s been since my last post! There’s been a lot of non-hobby stuff going around here of late which has had me a bit preoccupied. First off the big news is that Games Workshop have released their Imperial Knight kit, causing...
Centurion Update 26

Centurion Update 26

Ermagherd! It’s alive! The rest of the torso parts got moulded up this week and I finally got some copies done in resin. This has finally allowed be to fully assemble the entire model. Properly. With glue rather than blue-tack. To say it’s exciting is an...