Centurion Update 25

Centurion Update 25

Progress continues and I’m really excited with how the cannon is looking! You can see the detailing is coming along nicely (yes, those are more lifting points on top of the body). I machined up the muzzle today but I’m not 100% sold on it. I machined in...
Centurion Update 24

Centurion Update 24

Detailing of the cannon continues. I’ve actually been finding it a difficult process as the cannon body is quite large and has a lot of plain, flat surfaces which are just creaming to have some interest added. Of course, vents are always a staple detailing...
Centurion Update 23

Centurion Update 23

Quick update before I go to work to show you all the progress on the cannon design. It’s coming along very nicely! As I’ve said before I’m much happier with the larger cannon size. Obviously there’s still a lot more detailing to do (the muzzle...
Centurion Update 22

Centurion Update 22

I received some queries asking what exactly I did with my CNC router for making model parts, so having just finished cutting out the upsized cannon parts I thought I’d share: The first thing I do is draw the parts in a vector graphics program called Inkscape...
Centurion Update 21

Centurion Update 21

I just wanted to drop off this quick update today and whet everyone’s appetites My CNC router was temporarily back up and running (it was assembled to the bare minimum necessary to cut out the cannon parts but has since been disassembled again so I can tidy it...