Centurion Update 16

Centurion Update 16

More slow and steady progress, primarily on the rear of the shoulders. As you can see, I’ve added some cylindrical “capacitor” pieces and filled out the areas around the vents with some putty. I just need to add some piping between the left vent and...
Centurion Update 15

Centurion Update 15

Plumage complete! Not much to add – the head is now pretty much complete. Just needs to be fitted to the neck (I was going to do the head and neck separate but it really isn’t that necessary and the parts count is already high enough). I do want to do a...
Centurion Update 14

Centurion Update 14

Just a quick interim update today. Detailing work is progressing slowly (and was hindered by me having to help my girlfriend with her web design assignments the last couple of weekends). You can see I’ve been working on the front of the torso. As my mate Seb...
Safety Announcement: Do NOT use Harbor Freight pressure pots

Safety Announcement: Do NOT use Harbor Freight pressure pots

As most of my readers would know, we use combinations of pressure and vacuum to remove bubbles from resin during the casting process. This is facilitated through the use of a pressure pot (this is a really old picture of mine): Generally people use spray painting...
Centurion Update 13

Centurion Update 13

It’s been a month since my last update, but fear not the Centurion is still progressing! I’ve been refining lots of little things and find it hard to find motivation to document the progress when doing that kind of work. First up, here’s the front of...