Centurion Update 8

My hobby time of late is split between painting the brass banding on the Warhound (a loathsome task) and working on the Centurion torso. The beauty of having a painting and scratchbuilding project going at the same time is that working on one is a nice break from the...

Centurion Update 7

Just a quickie for today. I was playing around with torso layouts last night and feel like the following is going in the right direction: Obviously it’s all still very rough (especially the armour plating – I’m not quite sold on the plating on the...

WIP: Warhound Titan 6

I’ve been doing some more work on the Warhound project of late. The last fortnight has seen some major work on the base. All of the plaster work is done (I’m using Hydrocal tinted with a little black paint) and has been cleaned up (scraping and sanding). I...

Centurion Update 6

ERMAGERD! It’s a Centurion update! Well following some recent 3D discussion over on WargamerAU (and subsequent goading by AwesomeShotDude), I decided that I would kick this project back into gear by 3D printing the parts which have been putting off re-making:...

RA Site Update

You may have noticed parts of the RA site being unavailable lately. I’ve been having issues with the server for some time and last week I decided to try out a new server. The transfer went fairly smoothly other than a small mistake I made, which delayed things a...