Painting Big Nasty

Been working on the metals last night and decided to try out a new idea on my stadard bronze. After the first shading with agrax brown, I stippled the head with orange and yellow before adding a bronze drybrushing which was followed be a new agrax wash. I think it...

Behold an Angel

Finished off Seraphim tonight. Really like the minimalistic look - I also think she ended up looking rather sinister and  wrathful. I had a few comments on the wings being too small. That's quite on purpose, actually I'd have made them smaller if I had had the...


As already said, I think that female makes the grim even darker and I really enjoy female miniatures in the Inq28 setting, but we have a problem. Part are notoriously hard to come by. Everything seems to be too big. So after going through my bits box several times and...

Something a little simpler

Had this idea for a couple of days, something not quite as decorated and covered in bits as the last couple of minis. Some of the grimdark art pieces I enjoy the most are the female agents drawn by John Blanche. For some reason I think the female side adds even more...

Bael the Beheader

Of course every good imperial organisation needs a suitable headsman, who with the right amount of terror, publicly can finish of the enemies of the Emperor. Bael the Beheader is who, Bael - Imperial High Executioner.