Truly nasty looking

To be honest I have been really impressed with the Tzaangors, I think GW has really hit a nightmarish combination of beaks, horns and archaic looking bits - very well done. Therefor I didn't really want to change too much with the first one here, rather just...

Don’t just stand there – evolve!!

Had a lot of comments on this in various places, and amongst other things,  the legguards were a big issue. They have now been dremeled out and bent into shape. The sword has also been repositioned and he has been given a new gun - much better IMO.

Blade of the Void

The pointyeared backstabber - or The Blade of the Void as he like to call himself (with standard eldar modesty) came closer to the finish line. Like the overall view, something is off with his right arm though, have to rework that.

Eldar buccaneer

Tzaangors - love that kit, so overly detailed and twisted. Pretty sure they will be be put to use loads in the future. First use for me will be this  - which I'm pretty sure will end up being an eldar pirate.

Void Pirate project

Though Crazy Ivan came relatively easy to me, I have had somewhat of a struggle actually picturing those void pirates - or perhaps not the picturing, but how to actually turn that into miniatures. Not that easy to make the minis flashy and flamboyant and at the same...