by Manus | May 28, 2016
Further spurred by all the Inq28/Inquisimunda goodness at The Ammobunker - I have found grounds to finish of the very first Inq28 model I ever made. I actually still think he looks pretty cool, however I'm quite happy to upgrade the painting some.
by Manus | May 27, 2016
After having a lot of fun cooking up The Imperial Bastard, I have had a lot of ideas for other minis and characters who would fit into the grim dark Inq28 setting. After seeing a fellow modeller build a retinue/collection of minis around a non-fighter - namely a...
by Manus | May 23, 2016
Fished up the base and took a few pics to night. I'm really happy with the way this model turned out, and tis will not be my last venture into Inq28 land for now. I found it so nice just working on a single mini insted of a unit - all the way up from concept, the...
by Manus | May 21, 2016
Still working on getting the Imperial Bastard done - heaps of detail work still need finishing. Slowly getting there and with every bit done, more and more character is added to him.
by Manus | May 17, 2016
Not really knowing exactly how I felt about the paintjob so far, I decided to do a bit of experimenting yesterday.The bronze on the emblem was given a stippling of orange before the final wash was applied - though it washes out somewhat in these phone photos, the...