OSL tutorial

OSL made easy - yes it's possible. Made this little tutorial I thought I'd share. Pics here are just to show you what it contains, please download via the link or in the download section instead, as the quality is way better.Download: OSL tutorial

Mechanicus Vanguard finished

Yes as the title says, they are finally done. Quite pleased with the way they turned out in the end. Still not too happy with my black, have to find a way to do that better. Also not too happy with my photoing, guess I have to work on that too. Anyways here they all...

Coat liners and other details

Woot - I actually think I only need a few bits of decor on the red, like checkers and stuff and bases, then I have actually finished painting something....not too shabby!!

More Mechanicus paint

The Vanguard is getting pretty close to done now. Cog-pattern and other minor details and a bit of weathering to go. I think I'll also change the green lenses in the backpack mount to blue - doesn't really come through the green color, I think the blue will look much...


A bit more work on the plasmagunner is done, not finish though.