Vanguard color test

Splashed the first few paints on one of the vanguards last night, trying to figure out how to actually paint it. Nothing is nowhere near done, but it gives a general idea of the direction it will take. I'm having a little trouble figuring our where to incorporate the...

Mechanicus Vanguard Alpha and groupshot.

With only a few minor adjustments, well only one really - an arm from Anvil Industry, the Alpha is now ready to lead the fight against enemies of the Deus ex Machina. Love the big sixshooter - is it the Samaritan?? and I think his stance is quite good too. Great minis...

More Mechanicus Vanguard

This morning two more Vanguard rolled off the assembly line. Now I'm just an Alpha short of being able to filed them in a game!!!

Cool new Mechanicus minis and rumours

I have recently found this modeller Grim Skull Miniatures, who sell their minis through Though some of it is slightly naked!!!!! it's some really cool mechanicus stuff. One of the newest previews is this scantly clad...

Mechanicus Vanguard

Finally a real post, finally a bit of cutting and gluing little plastics.As you might have seen earlier I have been through several designs for my basic infantry - the hypaspists. I had settled on a design I likes quite a lot, though rather expansive as it meant bying...