Memory lane part 3

Memory lane part 3

The final instalment, at least for now, with some funny old minis, again with quite some diversity.First off is a few more D&D miniatures.A batch of good guys......and a batch of really bad guys.Then it seem the painting skills picked up some - I began to pay more...
My first ever painted mini – memory lane 2

My first ever painted mini – memory lane 2

Among the goodies in the boxes was also the first mini I painted - maaaany years back, early 90ties, pretty funny seeing that again - glad I can see a bit of progress to my present style...... More old dungeon crawlers - always had a weakness for dwarves and bad...
Memory lane part 1

Memory lane part 1

Quite unexpected, during the kid's football game in the weekend, I ran into one of my old gaming buddies from way back in university when we played (mostly) Mordheim - our boys playing against each other now. He had our old stuff stored, most of which was mine from...
A busy weekend…

A busy weekend…

...left only a little time to paint. Instead the whole family went fishing, beautiful weather, tent, campfire and even a fish - the works. A great day with some much needed family-time.The hunter robots got a small paintsplatter though.
Hunter Robots sneaking in

Hunter Robots sneaking in

As I told the other day the mojo has returned and the painting bug is still there, so I got these Hunter Robots out and began the painting.