Pastime of the Mechanicus?

Pastime of the Mechanicus?

I have to admit it, I'm a big fan of  Mr. John Blanche - so I try to incorporate some of the feel of his art in my own miniatures. That said, I'm also well aware that I'm nowhere near achieving the gritty, inhuman visions of his. One of the things I really like...
Detailing the Mechanicus Hypaspist

Detailing the Mechanicus Hypaspist

Finally found some painting time after a few weeks with too much else to do. Detailing really taking of now, there is even some more, not quite finished yet, and not visible from this angle. I was a little in doubt about the green lens on the shoulder thing, regarding...
Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP 3

Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP 3

Got the red finished last night and, perhaps a bit premature, started on the detailing - just couldn't wait to see what some of the detail would add to the mini, not unhappy with the result. I'm planning a bit of decor on some of those large red surfaces as well, and...
Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP 2

Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP 2

I kind of changed my idea of where to use red and black on this, since my other attempts at making hypaspist. Now the red is added - only a base and it does of cause need a lot of work, but it gives an idea of the finished look.
Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP

Mechanicus Hypaspist PIP

I have actually managed to get some painting done over the last couple of days, it aint much yet, but the metals and gun is done - bar a little weathering which will be applied at the end. However I'm not yet the best of friends with my new phone camera, either...