

Got my first stuff from a very popular 3D printing service yesterday. Was pretty excited as I had never ordered anything from there before and only a few people had any experience with the shop.I had ordered a few guntowers from and I was not disappointed when they...


Thanks to a very friendly person I have been able to put my hand on a coupe of landraiders. I have always loved the landraider model, but never painted any - did start one once but it never really got anywhere. Therefor I was quite happy when I git the chance to...
Ready for deployment

Ready for deployment

Added a few little detail to the pod, and this is where I'll leave it. Except for the size concerns, I'm pretty happy with the result, and will be looking forward to getting it painted.


A bit concerned about the size of droppod - a bit on the large side I'm afraid. It not too bad, and I guess making it smaller will make it somewhat less detailed - not sure I want to go down that road. What do you think?Also been painting up a lot more of little guys.


Look -  new rumours regarding Epic, interesting.Via Feit 212: LINKGW will bring back Specialist Games gradually with beginning in the 3th Quarter 2014.-First Game will be Epic in July or August 2014-There will be no individual model Boxes or Blister, only...