Speed painting for real

Speed painting for real

Really love this Epic stuff - such a great feeling being able to paint up 20 minis in about an hour. Really hope we get this revival of Epic we heard talk of when the GW stopped supporting it - if I remember correctly the rumours said Fantasy Flight Games.
Ready for battle

Ready for battle

Bar a bit of basing I finished a couple more stands and two rhinos yesterday - which gives me my first ever battle ready unit for Epic, yay.


While I was trying to get the hatches on the drop pod right, I really went through a lot of balsa. Turned out it wasn't quite as easy to get it right as I had hoped. The main problem was actually to come up with a shape I would be able to reproduce several times, and...
But of cause

But of cause

Yes, of cause - couldn't help my self, no need for just painting up stuff, gotta build some as well. As drop pods seem to be hard to find a good proxy for - and the ones being left on GW is fairly expensive, I decided to try make some.Cutting out a couple of shapes in...
The tiniest of distractions……..

The tiniest of distractions……..

The progress of the Herakli has been rather slow - that would be me kind of lacking the excitement to paint atm. I therefore decided I needed something new to work on, something new to play in fact. I always wanted to try playing something 6 or 15mm, always wanted to...