See the beast

See the beast

Had a few extra hours today, and got to work on the skin. I wanted it really bright, kind of seethrough, with some pale blues and purple. Turned out to be rather difficult to photograph though.

Knight Titans inbound

DreamForge-Games just released a new pic of their 15 mm leviathan - got a whole host of these inbound. Really looking forward to getting my hands on them, aren't they just amazing. Have to figure out small conversions, to make them a bit more Gothic looking.The small...

Small painting update

Got a bit  more grime/nuances worked into the metal. A bit concerned I might have made it a bit too bright now, I think I'll wait for some more colors before I decide, but any way it should be pretty easy to fix with a bit of washing. Also toyed with the idea of...

It aint much……

...but it's a start. Feeling the mojo returning and started painting up the Herakli. I also, per suggestion, added two small cogs to the gun arm - to make the big one move, you see.

New conversion parts…loads of them!

Well seeing those new huge marine models made me happy. Lots of people already hate them - I think they look awesome - I mean look at the size of those things, look at the load of conversion parts, I cannot wait to get my hands on those. I'll be putting my praetorians...