by Manus | Jun 5, 2013
Still not sure what those bits are supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure they will come in handy..........
by Manus | May 31, 2013
Was playing around with making some optics, sensors and various bits last night. Think it looks pretty sweet my self. Also stuffed a few openings in the fuselage, which of cause will be filed down later on.
by Manus | May 29, 2013
So many different models and units just waiting to be made up - also just just got the Lady Death, but I really wanted to add something big - or at least bigger. So I dug out some bits and started building a Myrmidon Assault Engine, again one of those minis where the...
by Manus | May 28, 2013
The PDC kickstarter LINK has just been updated with some sweet looking options for their weapons platform. Looking really promising - and just what my army go pledge!
by Manus | May 26, 2013
Done with these killing machines. Quite happy with the way they turned out - mean, unhealthy and ready to rip out some guts.Kept being really hard to photograph for some reason, the skin tone just wouldn't show it self - but the final pictures here are quite right...