More something…..

Still not sure what those bits are supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure they will come in handy..........

Optics and sensors

Was playing around with making some optics, sensors and various bits last night. Think it looks pretty sweet my self. Also stuffed a few openings in the fuselage, which of cause will be filed down later on.

The Beginning of….

So many different models and units just waiting to be made up - also just just got the Lady Death, but I really wanted to add something big - or at least bigger. So I dug out some bits and started building a Myrmidon Assault Engine, again one of those minis where the...

PDC kickstarter nearing an end

The PDC kickstarter  LINK has just been updated with some sweet looking options for their weapons platform. Looking really promising - and just what my army go pledge!

Murder Servitors finished

Done with these killing machines. Quite happy with the way they turned out - mean, unhealthy and ready to rip out some guts.Kept being really hard to photograph for some reason, the skin tone just wouldn't show it self - but the final pictures here are quite right...