by Manus | Apr 26, 2013
First Murder servitor came out this way. I think it has got a lovingly twisted look to it. I see these as the leftovers from failed experiments in Departemento Biologis, which are as a last service turned into something nasty to release on the enemy.Servitorclass...
by Manus | Apr 23, 2013
For quite some time I've wanting to make some murder servitors - twisted bio-engineered constructs, which are pretty much a point and release killing machine - lovely. The basis will be the ghoul model from WHFB - doesn't get more twisted basic structure than...
by Manus | Apr 23, 2013
Programmed and ready sir.
by Manus | Apr 21, 2013
Almost done now, actually just need the few last touches on the bases, and finishing off the extra weapons. Much as I had hoped the added detail work, battledamage and color on the bases, really helped these minis a lot. Now I think the problem was the really large...
by Manus | Apr 19, 2013
Added some of the first details today, and I all ready like the overall look better - great! It's not much yet, but I think I can see where it will end now.