by Manus | Oct 18, 2012
The file has been updated, and now contains most option in the TF codex. Please let me have some feedback, if you tried it.Cult Mechanicus army file:
by Manus | Oct 9, 2012
Though not much have been posted here, I've not been completely idle on the hobby front. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working on a Cult Mechanicus (Tempus Fugitives Codex) army file for Battlescribe. And it’s starting to get somewhere, so here is the...
by Manus | Sep 25, 2012
Finally got a bit of time to add some more paint. Worked a bit on the weapons, darkened the bronze even more and added some verdigris. The bronze ended up looking slightly more worn than the test model, which suits the overall quite well I think.The bronze is:Vallejo...
by Manus | Sep 20, 2012
So following yesterdays interesting pictures of minis that might used for some cool conversions - just seen the warpsmith is Finecast though - I have a small update on the praetorians. The Bronze has been toned down and now needs a bit of patina.
by Manus | Sep 19, 2012
While chanting plastic plastic plastic I send a thought to all the gods which names I can remember.