by Marc Raley | Jul 6, 2017
Time for another Nova Charity Raffle! I teamed up with Dave Taylor to create two Horus Heresy armies for this year's raffles. Dave headed up a team painting this beautiful Sons of Horus army and he wrangled me into overseeing the team that painted this...
by Marc Raley | Aug 17, 2016
Hey Blog, long time no see. Time for another NoVa Charity Auction. Here is an Ork Fighta-Bommer/Dakka Smakker/Uruk-hai Space Nazi Blastamathing. It's yellow! It's part of an army being raffled off to benefit Doctors Without Borders.Buy some tickets here. Or just live...
by Marc Raley | Dec 2, 2015
I've had a lot of folks asking me lately for a step-by-step on how I painted my Alpha Legion. I posted this on the Heresy 30K forums a couple years ago, here is is again. It probably isn't as thorough as it could be but you are a bright bunch, you'll figure it out....
by Marc Raley | Oct 19, 2015
This summer, my friend Thomas Wynn put together a Car Wars campaign for our gaming group. Everyone added guns,armor and assorted other door-dad onto Matchbox-sized die-cast cars and we pushed them around and made laser noises. I made a few cars but this little...
by Marc Raley | Sep 20, 2015
I don't know if anyone out there looks at this thing anymore. If so, sorry for going so long without an update. I've been working on this armored suit from Maschinen Krieger/SF3D over the summer. It's 1/20 (90mm) scale; I'm really enjoying the larger size as well as...