NoVa Open Defense of Macragge Charity Auction

NoVa Open Defense of Macragge Charity Auction

I've been working on a pair of Thunderfire Cannons for the upcoming NoVa Open Charity Auction. The guns are almost complete. Techmarines are base-coated. Here is a quick progress shot from the workbench. More photos to come soon!  They have a number of awesome...
Alpha Legion Tactical Support Squad with Flamers

Alpha Legion Tactical Support Squad with Flamers

...and here are the guys who rode in the Assault Ram in The Old Line Massacre Apocalypse Game. They were actually pretty darn effective. The burninated the better part of Death Guard Tac. Squad and took out a Terminator or two.
Alpha Legion Falchion!

Alpha Legion Falchion!

This big mama was the keystone of my 3000-point army at the Old Line Massacre. I ordered it at Adepticon but it took its time getting here (and I took my sweet time getting around to building it) so I was in hobby overdrive mode the week before the event. And yes, in...
The Old Line Massacre

The Old Line Massacre

Sorry I've been so long without a post! I took a bit of a hobby break after Adepticon, but wound up working furiously towards the end of May to get my Alpha Legion ready for a 30K Weekend Event put together by my friends and I. The Old Line Massacre was a two-day even...