Fantasy celebrity wargamers: Miley Cyrus

 Fantasy celebrity wargamers: Miley CyrusHi guys, well we havnt done one of these for a while have we?This time its our fave singer (not my fave actually)  Miley Cyrus!Miley Cyruswhich army do we think she would play?well first of all you would probably...

Raven guard Devastator Squad.

Raven Guard Devastator Squad.Hi guys, well today i took some photos of my Raven Guard Devastator squad.i decided to arm them with 2 multi meltas and 2 grav cannons.i was a bit annoyed the arms fgor the grav cannons need the ones from the nulti meltas but a few...

Raven guard captain with thunder hammer and storm shield

Raven guard captain with thunder hammer and storm shield Well guys I decided my other "top man" wasn't good enough so I built this one out of scraps I found laying about!There's a tartaros pattern thunder hammer even though I don't own any tartaros terminators.