How to make money playing 40k: Part 1.

How to make money playing warhammer 40kPart 1Hi guys, well today i thought i would share a new series with you guys, something i feel a lot of you might find really interesting.A lot of the time i hear a lot of people saying "i really enjoy playing but i wish i could...

Tutorial: How to paint metal.

 Tutorial: How to paint metal.Hi guys, heres a quick but handy tutorial on how we paint our metals at scifiwargamers! Stage 1 Basecoat with LeadbelcherStage 2: wash with Nuln oilStage 3: Drybrush with Leadbelcher again.Stage 4: Drybrush with Ironbreaker.Stage 5:...

Golden Demon 1987 Fantasy Army Gold: Skaven warband

Golden Demon 1987 Fantasy Army Gold: Skaven warband.Hi guys, well here we are for another look at Golden demons of the past, and this time, its 1987's "fantasy army" category.Golden Demon Skaven Warband.This Skaven Warband took the gold, were "armies" really this...

Is this the rarest 40k model?

Hi guys, well i thought i would show you this, ive only ever seen one in real life and a lot of people have nver heard of them existing.its a genestealer  familiar. isnt it cute! anyway, its for sale on Ebay atm HERE As always thank you very much for...

Top 5 Dark Angels space marine Cosplays.

Top 5 Dark Angels Cosplays.Hi guys, well heres a bit of fn, my top 5 dark angels cosplays.5: this guys looks like he's enjoying his space marine armour. still looks like its made of paper though!4: i know its 3 suits but they all look the same. they look good,...