Assasinorum: execution force.

So it's almost out. The assassin game that people were talking about.Originally I wanted this game but after finding out more details I'm not so sure.It's apparently got the 4 assassins, and a chaos Lord/ sorcerer a couple of chaos marines and some cultists.With the...

New shelf display stand WIP

Hi guys. Well, I've 2 more shelves to out display stands in, and this is the penultimate one. I've tried a different technique here. The texture is a lot more subtle than usual. It will be interesting to see how it works out.See you soon!

Units of the "Dark angels": Nephilim Jetfighter.

The units of the “Dark angels”: Nephilim JetfighterUnits of the "Dark angels": Nephilim Jetfighter. A Nephilim Jetfighter is a variant attack aircraft used exclusively by the Adeptus Astartes of the “Dark angels" and...

The "Dark Angels" resource.

The "Dark Angels" resource.The "Dark angels" chapter of space marines.Below are links to all our different "Dark Angels" articles.History of the chapter series:The history of the "Dark angels" part 1The history of the "Dark angels" part 2The history of the "Dark...

The "Dark Angels" resource.

The "Dark Angels" resource.The "Dark angels" chapter of space marines.Below are links to all our different "Dark Angels" articles.History of the chapter series:The history of the "Dark angels" part 1The history of the "Dark angels" part 2The history of the "Dark...