Here’s the ad mech! Well 2 pictures..

Hi guys. I was sent these pics of the new ad mech, ones a Skitarii and the other is what I assume to be the onegar dune walker thing. It looks like a defiler with an at St from Star Wars on top!

Raven guard fire raptor WIP

Raven guard fire raptorHi guys. Well i am still working on the fire raptor. At the moment I'm just waiting on the metal base coat to dry and then I shall give it a wash before brightening up.I had an accident last night with an exploding vallejo white paint. That was...

Raven guard fire raptor WIP

Hi guys, well work continues on the faven guard fire raptor. I've literally done sole base coating and have a couple of decals on. Gonna add some more washes then do some weathering them finish up with the detailing!I'm liking the colour scheme if I do say so...

New airbrush!

Yep, I broke my airbrush, I've been waiting on a replacement for a couple of days! Now I can finish the fire raptor!Finally! 

Raven Guard fire raptor WIP

Hi guys, well, this has to be the worst fitting kit I've ever built. Not one part goes together smoothly.It is however fun being such a challenge and I hope to have the fire raptor assembled tonight! More coming soon!