Voss Pattern Lightning Strike Fighter -By Forge World.

Voss pattern Lightning Strike Fighter - By Forge World.Voss Pattern Lightning Strike Fighter -By Forge World.Today we shall have a little look at Forge worlds Voss pattern Lightning strike fighter.I seem to remember forge world making another flier called a lightning...

Carcharodons Space Marines Drop pod-Finished 30-1-15

Carcharodons Space Marines Drop pod-Finished 30-1-15Hi guys, well today I've my finished Carcharodons space marine drop pod to show you.Carcharodons space marine drop podWell what much is there to say about a drop pod eh? i actually think i purchased this second hand,...

Imperial Guard/Astra Militarium Sentinel.

Imperial Guard/Astra Militarium Sentinel.Hi guys, so today i thought i would share with you my Imperial guard, or what they now like to call it, Astra Militarism, Sentinel.I know theres a lot of you thinking, why on earth is it yellow? well that was because it was...