Carcharodons Scimitar Jetbike.

Carcharodons Scimitar Jetbike.Hi guys, so i thought i would upload some pictures (and a video) of my finished Carcharodons Scimitar Jetbike, from forge world.I really enjoyed painting this model. it was also a piece of proverbial piss to put together...

Storm hammer revealed!

Hi guys, looks like it won't be long until the new forge world storm hammer is released.Here's a teaser image released today.I have to say I'm a little sad they dropped the old double turret look but I'm sure it will be something special.What version do you guys prefer?

Join the SciFiWargamers Network!

Join The SciFiWargamers Network!The SciFiWargamers NetworkBecoming a part of the SciFiWargamers Blog Network is a great way to get more exposure for your Scifi/fantasy or just War game related blog. The most recent posts from the Network are displayed on The...

The Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle.

The Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle.The Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle.Hi guys, so today i'm going to have a little look at something i feel has been forgotten! The elisions! and by extension the Tauros Assault vehicle.The Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle.Yet again this...

New 40k dedicated trading site.

New 40k dedicated trading site.Hi guys theres a new 40k dedicated trading site out there now for all your trading needs. I've a new banner up that links you to the site or otherwise you can click below!Rogue trading.As always thank you very much for visiting the...