Forge World Tech Thrall Covenant (with mitralocks!)

Hi guys, so today Forge world put up their Tech Thrall Convenant with mitra locks up for sale.Forge World Tech Thrall Covenant.Im not sure what i think of these guys? they look like they could make interesting alternatives for a servitor at least.Forge World Tech...

Konrad Kurze, Primarch of the Night Lords Legion.

So Forge World finally released yet another primarch in their primarchs series for the Horus Heresy.This time its that batman wannabe, Konrad Curze.Konrad CurzeI really like this model, and second to fulgrim and Angron, i would say its better than the others.Konrad...

Forge World Alpha Legion Contemptor Dreadnought,

Hi guys,Alpha legion dreadnaughtwell today Forge world released an alpha legion dreadnought.Alpha legion dreadnaughti really like this model, i really like the colour scheme forge word has chosen for their alpha legion and I'm a big fan of their decoration.Alpha...

Imperial Armour Apocalypse.

forge world imperial armour apocalypseHi guys, so did anyone ever buy this book? I've been meaning to buy it for a long time, but I'm not really a fan of having multiple armies in the same book.forge world imperial armour apocalypsei only play space marines so i don't...

How to paint Blood Angels.

Painting Blood Angel Space MarinesThis is a tutorial for painting Blood Angel Space Marines to a good table top standard.There are no majorly advanced techniques so hopefully any body will be able to pick up the tutorial and get their Blood Angels painted quickly and...