Land raider achilles conversion.

Hi guys, well today i found an interesting old miniature, a raven guard land raider achilles conversion i made many moons ago!its made from a standard land raider kit, with land speeder multi melts for the multi meltsa, (strangely enough!) and a grey knight multi...

Rainbow Warriors Tactical squad WIP 9-12-14

Hi guys, so I'm continuing work on the rainbow warriors tactical squad. I've literally done nothing apart from the metals and some base coating of the tactical squad sergeant. I'm going to do all the highlighting and have it finished up to the base before i continue...

Rainbow warriors, extra fluff

Hi guys, well as you know I've begin work on the rainbow warriors and am currently painting a tactical squad. (More on that later on) there's not a whole lot of fluff to go with these guys apart from a couple of references in codex's and the famous sister of battle...

Rare OOP Raven Guard Dreadnaught discovered!

Hi guys,an amusing post for you today. Whilst clearing out some old model stuff i came across this old Rogue Trader era raven guard dreadnaught.I was thinking of using it as a dread armed with plasma cannon and Dreadnaught CCW but might just sell it to a collector of...
Rainbow warriors Tactical squad WIP

Rainbow warriors Tactical squad WIP

Hi guys, well I've begun painting my rainbow warriors. well when i say painting i really mean work has begun.I've decided to go with the new 32mm round bases as I've a funny feeling all space marine models will now come on these..Anyway there are 4 space marines with...