The Badab war!

The Badab war!

So we continued our Badab war campaign at the club last week.Will and James tyrants legion versus Myself, Simon and Greg's Carcharodons, Minotaurs and Novamarines.After hours of faffing it ended up a draw!It was also our last 6th edition game!
Carcharodons Terminator Captain Finished!

Carcharodons Terminator Captain Finished!

Hi guys,I finally finished my Carchardons Space Marine Terminator Captain.Armed with Thunder hammer and Storm shield, its a Lysander conversion...Hope you like it!Carcharodons terminator captainCarcharodons terminator captainCarcharodons terminator captainCarcharodons...
We’re back! Carchardons Tactical Squad, Finished.

We’re back! Carchardons Tactical Squad, Finished.

Hi guys,well after almost a year off i decided to come back.I've almost forgotten how to use the website!Anyway heres a Carcharodon tactical squad I recently finished!Let me know what you think!As always thank you very much for visiting the site----------if you have...

Eject! Eject! Acquire new drummer!

Hey Eject! Eject! Fans, as you all probably know, the band has been in need of a new drummer since the previous drummer went AWOL... Luckily a new drummer has been found, although we can't reveal any details, yet.There is however this picture that might give you...