Carcharodons Forge World Mk 6 marines, false start..

 Hi guys, only a small update this week, some parts i ordered from forge world have finally arrived, namely being a mk 6 space marine set, alas the mouldings were rather terrible to be honest so ive now got to wait until i get replacements sorted! boo!look at the...

Carcharodons Forge World Air Defence Platform WIP 29-5-13

Hi guys, im still working on the carcharodons forge world air defence platform, its taking a little longer to paint than expected but thats due to real world things happening still.i even made my first you tube video! i hope you like it!Carchardons forge world air...

Carcharodons: Forge World Air Defence Platform WIP 1

Yeah, i swapped back to Carcharodons, reason being, black is dull and its boring to paint. lol. im sure many will disagree but thats how i feel about it.I just hope at some point in the heresy books the "weregeld" and the Carcharodons get a few more connections...

New project: Raven Guard.

Hi guys, well its time to start a new project, ive been puttin goff painting due to a house move long enough and now its time to get my head down of now i will be putting my efforts into  constructing a new Raven Guard army.I will start with that old...

X-Wing: Named Pilots- Maarek Steele

Named Pilots- Maarek Steele Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal so all credit goes to him for this! Card: Maarek Steele (27)Card Text: When your attack deals a face up Damage card to the defender,...