WIP: Legio Spectra Forge World Tarantula.

 WIP: Legio Spectra Forge World Tarantula.Hi guys, not much to report on the Forge World Tarantula front, all i jave got round to doing is cleaning the parts! Next up, Assembly!Heres the bits anyway if youre interested!Forge World Tarantula Parts. Have you...

Write for us!

Write For Us! Do you have an article locked away in that brain of yours that you want to share with the world? do you have a Rant about the latest 40k release but do not want the bother of setting up a blog to get it out there? Maybe you have an incredible painting...

Golden Demon 1988: Vignette (Diorama) Category,

 Golden Demon 1988: Vignette (Diorama) Category.Hi guys, today I am going to share the results of 1988's Golden Demon , Vignette category with you. Thats the Diorama category to you new lot! Anyway, lets begin.We start off with two honourable...

Tutorial: How To Paint Night Lords Chaos Space Marines.

 Tutorial: How To Paint Night Lords Chaos Space Marines.Night Lords Chaos Space Marine. Heres an awesome video tutorial on how to paint Night lords chaos space marines. Heres a little little information regarding Night lords space marines borrowed from...