Showcase: X-Wing Asteroids Terrain.

X-Wing Asteroids.  Hi guys, as you may already know, a few days ago i completed a quick board for playing X-Wing games on, which you can see HERE.Due to it being completely barren, and not being a fan of the 2d punch out token terrain from the boxed set, i...

Golden Demon 1988: Dragon Category.

Golden Demon 1988: Dragon Category. Hi guys, so we know we are all fans of seeing all the retro Golden demon goodness, click HERE to see our previous rundown on the "Single miniatures conversion category" and HERE to see our post on "Scratch built and converted...

Showcase: Imperial Fists Space Marine Whirlwinds.

Imperial Fists Space Marines Whirlwinds. Hi guys, yet another "retro" showcase for you this evening, these are my old and long lost (i believe i sold them a good few years back) imperial fists space marine whirlwinds.I'm almost ashamed to show these as i'm pretty sure...

Unboxing: Talisman, The Blood Moon Expansion.

Talisman, The Blood Moon Expansion.  Hey guys, heres yet another Talisman Expansion unboxing for you. This one is called "The Blood Moon"As always with Fantasy Flight Games, this box has amazing artwork. Take a look for yourselves.In the box we have the usual...

Showcase: Space Marine Imperial Fist Vindicators.

Imperial Fist Vindicators.  Hi people, Today i am showing you some old Space Marines Imperial Fist Vindicators, I think I painted These Vindicators way back in 2007, just before i Moved House.Of all the plastic Space Marine Tanks that Games Workshop produce,...