Evolution Of A Painting Workstation.

Evolution of a Painting Workstation Hi people, here is an interesting little article for you i just cooked up,its a chronological view of my painting stations over the years. We can see just how far i have come on since my return to the hobby back in around 2007. 2007...

Unboxing: Talisman, The Sacred Pool Expansion.

Talisman, The Sacred Pool Unboxing. Hi guys, heres the first "proper" post of february 2013. Its time for another Talisman Unboxing.This time its the Expansion known as "The Sacred Pool", and not the Scared pool as some people mistakenly put it down as!Talisman, The...

Showcase: Tyranid Warriors.

Tyranid Warriors.  Hey people, i'm almost at the end of the "old" circa 2007-2008 era showcases, I think trheres a couple more Imperial Fist Units, and then a couple of oddities, this is one of them.My old Tyranid Warriors.These guys were going to be the start of...

Top 5 Space Marine Tanks.

 The Top 5 Space Marine Tanks.Hey everyone, its time for another top-5 rundown. Today its the top5 Space Marine Tanks! This time i thought i would allow forge world models into the count..#5: Deimos Pattern Rhino.  I do not know about you guys but I think...

So You Want a Career In The Video Game Industry?

Careers in Gaming  Hi guys, here is a guest post which i know a lot of you fellow geeks will find VERY interesting, this is written by a fellow named Aaron Walker.DualShock 3 - Red & Black (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Those of us at a certain age may remember...