Showcase: Imperial Fist Space Marine Terminators.

Imperial Fist Terminators. Hi guys, Another showcase for you, yet again this is some really old work, I actually think these are from 2007, not long after i got back into the hobby after a few years off.I remember really struggling with painting the yellow on these,...

Bizzare Star Wars Posters.

 Strange Star Wars Posters. Hi guys, during my many rounds of scouring the internets for amazing things while not painting or modelling, i find some weird things.Today i thought i would share these old star wars posters with you.Heres the first.This is a...

Showcase: Imperial Fists Terminator Captain.

Imperial Fist Terminator Captain. Hi guys, Heres an oldie indeed! Around the same time as i painted the Sniper Scouts i was obviously painting an imperial fists space marine army. My HQ was this guy, A Terminator armour Wearing Captain with Storm Bolter and power...

Showcase: Imperial Fist Scouts With Sniper Rifles.

 Imperial Fist Space Marine Scouts With Sniper Rifles.Hi guys, Today i have managed to dig out some interesting old pictures from my old Imperial fist army dating back to around 2007-2008ish.Todays showcase will be my old Sniper scouts. I had 3 units of these,...