Star Wars Anime: Sadly Cancelled.

Sadly Cancelled Star Wars Anime Hi guys, in my trawling around the internets, i found a small clip on Youtube that is a Star Wars based Anime.Here are some pictures of it followed by the link to the actual clip.Sadly there was only a minute or two's worth of footage,...


NEW LOOK WEBSITE Always better than Pepsi.Hi guys, you have probably noticed by now that the website ha a new look to it, this is the first stage of many to clear the place up and make the site look a lot more professional rather than a random blog. todays changes...

Showcase: Battle fleet Gothic, Rogue Trader Fleet.

BFG Rogue Trader fleet.Hi guys, these are another OLD OLD piece (pieces?) that i produced probably as far back as 2008 maybe. wow it doesnt seem that long ago at all! These were the only Battlefleet gothic minis that i ever painted, and looking back at how much i...

X-Wing Hoth Themed Board WIP Update

Hoth Battle Board for X-Wing Update Hi guys, this evening after watching a recording of the most Excellent Ripper street from BBC 1 (If you have not yet seen it you really must!) i thought i would share in my Hoth themed DIY project update.The Imperial AT-AT Walkers...

Snow Day: Britain Grinds to a Halt.

Snow stops play So as most of you who live in the UK should have noticed the snow everywhere this morning. Its Mother Nature showing who's boss! I imagine mosty of you had to contend with hideous road conditions on your way to work, or crazy old people walking along...