Showcase: Alpha Legion Apothecary Mk4 and Mk 2

 Showcase: Alpha Legion Apothecary Mk 4 and Mk 2Good evening everybody!well it feels like an age since i uploaded the ram, however i havnt been slacking, i ve a few models for you yet.Today iu am going to share my Alpha Legion Apothecaries with you. this is the...

Showcase: Alpha Legion Caestus Assault Ram.

 Showcase: Alpha Legion Caestus Assault Ram.Hi guys! well its time for my first Alpha Legion Vehicle.To begin with we shall have a Caestus Assault Ram!I'm a big fan of the Caestus Assault Ram. I like how it rams things haha. Oh and i like the Caestus Assault Ram...

Showcase: Alpha Legion Terminator Squad

 Showcase: Alpha Legion Terminator SquadHi everyone, well its been a few days since i last posted a decent update, but you can blame Dark Souls 3 for that!Anyway, these are the termies from the betrayal at calth set. I would have liked to arm them diferently but...

Showcase: Alpha Legion Master of Signals

 Showcase: Alpha Legion Master of SignalsHi everyone, well here is the companion model from the champion and MOS set. This time its the Master of Signals, who again i've decided to paint as Alpha Legion.I really do like painting the Alpha Legion ...