Showcase: Alpha Legion Centurion/Champion

Showcase: Alpha Legion Champion/CenturionHi guys, well i've decided to have a go at yet another chapter.I really really enjoyed painting this guy, the scheme is a joy to paint.I'm hoping to do some more of these guys.I hope you like it!Showcase: Alpha Legion...

Showcase: Night Lords Legion Terror Squad

Showcase: Night Lords Legion Terror SquadHi guys, well this is the second Night lords terror squad i have painted.this time i tried some metallic car spray paint for the base coat!Im not sure what i think of the outcome.As per usual they have volkite chargers and the...

Showcase: Night lords legion praetor.

 Showcase: Night lords legion praetor.Good evening everybody!well today i managed to finish my Night lords legion praetor.I have included many pictures of him here.Please let me know what you think!Night lords legion praetorNight lords legion praetorNight lords...

Showcase: Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.

 Showcase: Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Hi guys!Well these guys are finally done!Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Night Lords Legion Terror Squad.Night Lords Legion...