Weathering time!

. .The big job starts now, armour weathering and highlighting 😫 #emperorschildren30k #emperorschildren #painting #hobby #warmongers . If you like what you see please consider taking a look at our patreon page at:

Working on terminators

Working on the other basecoats. Not too much left to do on those. Some metal and that’s pretty much it. #emperorschildren30k #warhammer40k #40k #warmongers. . . If you like what you see please consider taking a look at our patreon page at:...

Working on terminators

Working on the other basecoats. Not too much left to do on those. Some metal and that’s pretty much it. #emperorschildren30k #warhammer40k #40k #warmongers. . . If you like what you see please consider taking a look at our patreon page at:...

Finished my EC praetor

Calling it done. Pretty shockingly bad but was just testing things out. The next ones should be tidier. Should be.... #emperorschildren30k #hobby #painting #warmongers #warhammer40k #40k. . . If you like what you see please consider taking a look at our patreon page...