New Avatar, who’s this?

 The freshly painted, New & Improved Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine took to the field for the first time against the Orks in a 100PR slugfest. Both sides brought one Lord of War to the party, the Orks went big on mega-armored bosses and nobz, while Mrs....


 Horrified by Ravensburger was released last year. It flew under my radar until I saw it at a Target a few months ago, on a whim I bought it, and am glad I did!At its core, Horrified is a Pandemic-style game. Four player characters (played by 1-4 real players)...

Stop. Hammer Time!

 Somedays you just need three Hammerheads. Who I am kidding, most days I need three Hammerheads. And now that they have received the new paint scheme and fancy 3D printed stand, they are ready to re-educated those who question The Greater Good! One of the...

Old Piranha, New Stands

 An oldie, but a goodie: The Tau Piranha returns to my army. New paint scheme, a pair of underwing seeker missiles, and a brand new 3D printer flying stand.A few years ago I did a post on how Mrs. Blackheart and I re-did the terrible stands for her Eldar to...

Guns In The Sky

 Heavy Railguns are great, but do you what makes them better? Put them on fast movers! Nobody does Close Air Support in 40K like the Tau. Really more of a modeling project than anything that will regularly see the tabletop, the Tau aircraft have been a vey...