Rise of the Orks Gameplay

I got a few plays of GW's Rise of the Orks in, and I like it. It's a easy to play solo/co-op Tower Defense game. The player(s) get five Terminators and must kill all the oncoming Orks before they destroy the shield generator. The board is a little bland, but it...

On the Bench: Fire Warriors

Thirty Fire Warriors done. Plus the Cadre Fireblade.I kept the paint scheme simple and clean for the infantry, no camouflage. Twenty of the Fire Warriors are repaints, along with two missile turrets I got off of Ebay to complete the squads. Not pictured are six drones...

Freeblades vs. Dread Mob

 A favorite matchup returns! Not that I have been able to beat a Knight list with my Orks...yet.A 100 PR battle, for a change of pace I brought in a The SquiqHog (a Smasha jet proxy), mostly because I like the cut of its jib.And it did deliver some much needed...

Avatar III: The Embigging

A long wait, but worth it. The new and vastly improved Eldar, Space Elf, Aeldari Avatar of Khaine has arrived. Just a bit bigger than the older Metal version, and more filled out than the (also old) Forge World ones. Three head, and three weapon options give the...

April Fools?

 That is a very well made April's Fools gag...unless it isn't! Which it is. Probably. UPDATE: By the Emperor's Fancy Drinking Horn! They are real!The Emperor ProtectsWith a Sense of Humor