New Dice Tower

 Mrs. Blackheart got a fancy resin 3D printer. A Elegoo Saturn. It's really amazing, I will be showing it off a lot. The learning curve on it is not too bad. Tons of great tutorial videos on the YouTube.No one really needs a dice tower, but they are fun, and...

High-Tech Brush Holder*

 *Well, the holder isn't hight-tech, but the way it was made sure is. It is a 3D print from Mrs. Blackheart's Pursa FDM printer.    For the sharp-eye folk out there, yes, it is a half scale replica of the business end of a Avenger GAU-8 30mm...

Flying Robot Bikers

 The Tomb Blades are a unit I didn't think I would end up loving. I bought some many eons ago because you needed them in some fancy formation or some such nonsense. Of course I promptly didn't build them and they sunk to the near bottom of my Stack. Now, with new...

Low-Tech Paint Holder

 It could be the best $13 I have spent on my hobby. I wanted a way to organize and be able to see my paints easier. I looked at fancy wood racks, complicated high-tech plastic and metal set-ups and more. I stumbled across this solution. A nail polish display...

Monoliths Making Poor Choices

 So I just completed my second Monolith. Now I have two! Hahahaha! I will be unstoppable!Turns out...that is not the case. The CP drain on taking 2 Lords of War hurts a bit, but the real problem is that people hate Monoliths. Especially when you Deep Strike...