Battle Zone Pict Captures

 Space Wolves vs. Genestealer Cult. This time I brought a tank! A bit bit risky to bring a 19 PR unit in a 50 PR game...but so worth it.The Executioner's firepower is most impressive, but those damn cultists and their power tools still managed to do some harm to...

Another Glorious Day in the Corps

 Aliens. One of the most iconic and beloved sci-fi films. I must have seen it a dozen times when it was in came out in the theatres. There have been a few attempts at board/minis games, the first one, Aliens: This Time it's War (Leading Edge 1989) was the best....

New Year, New Wolf Priest

 It took me a while, but I figured out how I was going to make a Primaris Wolf Priest. After all the (insane) ideas I had come up with, this turned out to be fairly straightforward. I used the Chaplain from the Indomitus box set as the starting point, and...

End of Year

 Well it's been a very trying year to say the least. Staying on the positive hobby side, I did get a fair amount of stuff painted. All the Blackstone minis, Deathwing (finally), two new armies, and filled in the gaps of a few other armies. There was a lot more I...

Necrons Vs Cult

 Time to unleash the Necrons! Overpowered Robot Skeletons against the poor Genestealer Cultists? Seems unfair.(Morgan Freeman voice) It was indeed a slaughter.We played a Incursion Battle (50PL per side) and used the Open War deck to generate the mission. Nice...