Deathwing Attacks

Just a few pics from Deathwing's Combat Debut. Imperial Guard with some defensive positions holding the line against a Tyranid advance. Deathwing is in orbit, and will arrive on turn 3.It goes about how you would expect: Fast Tyranids tearing through the...

Backlog: Deathwing

Oh, I hate painting white. I'm just terrible at it. My new and Improved Deathwing  has been built, primed white, and waiting to be painted for four years. That's why it is a Pile of Shame. Finally I summoned up my resolve and tackled the project. Much like the...

Friday Night Fights

Fun fact: 15 Genestealers can fit if they deploy with a Trygon. Well, it's not that fun if you are the one facing them, and there are two such groups, and nine Raveners.It went poorly for the Guard.100PL battle, Tyranids vs Imperial Guard with a Deathwatch Squad....

World Eaters Wednesday for May

Armored might. It's not all about Chainaxes (It totally is) Some days you have to kill other armored fighting vehicles and/or monsters at range. Or you would like to get across the field faster than running. Or maybe I just like tanks. Blood colored ones with spikes...

Backlog: Bone Tithe Nexus

As most of us do, I have a mighty Pile of Shame. It is sub-divided into three sections: Primed, Built, and Still in Box. You know how it is, see something new and cool, must have it!Then maybe build, hopefully prime if the weather/mood/Warp/primer is correct and stars...