Apocalypse Prepping

The 2019 Apocalypse rules just arrived at the Atomic Warlord's Command Center, and I am pleased to say our first stumble-through will be this weekend. Orks versus Imperium and Eldar.To make the game run smoother there is a bit of prep work to get done. First is...

Road Warrior Cultists

To wrap up Cult pledge week I have the new mobile cultists on the go. Bikers and buggies, oh yeah.As I had mentioned previously, the bikers were a bit fiddly to assemble. Mostly due to small sized parts. This does give them a nice finished look, more like real people...

Shadowy Cultists

In the Cult's expansion, I added a couple of squads of the guys that are not used for recruiting rallies or posters. The ones kept out of public view until it is time to rise up.10 of the new Aberrants, and their leader, the fun to say Abominant. Great poses, and I...

My Cult Expands

I'm not a fast painter. I bought the new Genestealer Cult stuff the day it was released, built all of it the following week, primed it all the next week and...waited a good long while to paint it. Then it took me a month to get them done. Painting is not easy for me...

Thunderhawk Stand Update

After five years, we have run out of Thunderhawk Flight stands. Everyone who purchased one was very happy with it, and we thank you!We will make a very small run of stands in July, so if you are still interested in one, please email me at Atomicwarlord@gmail.com and...