Mark: Is a Change Really as Good as a Holiday?

No this isn't another post about the impending release of Warhammer 40,000's 6th edition it's about a couple of changes here on the blog.Firstly, I've noticed a recent up swing in the number of people from non-English speaking nations particularly from Russia, Brazil,...

Mark: A Little Progress

I haven't done a great deal of work on the hobby front as both time and motivation have been in short supply. I have put some high lights onto the Dark Angles Company Master that I started a while ago, and I've started building/converting another Librarian for the...

Mark: 40k Doubles Wrap Up

It's been an odd week and I haven't had a great deal of time to do much with my toy soldiers beyond playing in the club doubles tournament last Monday against the Darling Downs Gamers Club in Toowoomba.I have to confess to the gratest sin a Space Marine player can...

Mark: WIP Dark Angel Company Master

WIP Company Master Just a quick one tonight, it's a work in progress shot of the Dark Angles Company Master I was planing on using in Mondays doubles tournament in Toowoomba. Unfortunately when I pulled one of my predators out of storage it was in less than...

Mark: You know I really can’t think of a title.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been looking over the various pieces of legislation regarding starting and running a small business, which has put a bit of a dampener on my hobby mojo or to be more precise my anything fun mojo, hence my lack of posting. Legal...