Mark: 40k Daemons by Starky

Last night a couple of us assembled at Starky's for our weekly paint night, where I was able to grab a happy snap of his 2nd place winning Kill Team from the weekend along with a couple of the other Daemons he has been working on.The Kill TeamDaemon...

Mark: Kill Team Run and Done

On Sunday I ran a Kill Team Tournament for the local gaming club, everyone involved seemed to having a lot fun. With only 6 competitors we were able to keep things very casual and all of the games were played in high spirits. There were 5 games played using scenarios...

Mark: Terrain-tastic

With the local Kill Team tournament coming up next weekend and the club moving ever closer to officialdom, I've decided to add a build of terrain and add a little variety to the club's terrain collection. I had set out to add a couple of pieces to the Jungle terrain...

Mark: Arrrrr……

Picture from Paizo I've picked up and started running the first part of the Skull and Shackles Adventure Path (AP) the Wormwood Mutiny for Pathfinder RPG by Paizo, so there hasn't been a whole lot of painting being done of late. The AP has a great premise with...